What Is CyberKnife?
CyberKnife® stereotactic radiosurgery is a noninvasive, nonsurgical treatment option for both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors in many parts of the body. CyberKnife delivers beams of high-dose radiation to tumors with pinpoint accuracy and provides a new treatment option for those with inoperable or surgically complex tumors or those who may be looking for an alternative to surgery. In appropriately selected patients, CyberKnife treatment may be a better alternative to conventional radiation treatments.
Key CyberKnife Benefits
- Automatically tracks, detects and corrects for intrafraction tumor movement, delivering unprecedented targeting accuracy anywhere in the body.
- Treats even the most complex tumors with unrivaled conformance, dose gradient and healthy-tissue preservation.
- An effective, pain-free alternative to surgery for many patients.
- Requires five or fewer outpatient visits.
Treatment With CyberKnife
CyberKnife usually includes one to five treatments, at a rate of two or three treatments per week, instead of the two to eight weeks for five days a week for standard radiation treatments. CyberKnife is indicated for small, localized tumors of brain, spinal cord or other sites when standard radiation could cause significant side effects or has been previously given.
Because CyberKnife is a new treatment modality, it is critical to have a detailed consultation with your radiation oncologist and seek clarification as to whether you are a good candidate for this treatment. Dr Vijay Kini provides detailed counseling and treats patients with CyberKnife when appropriate. Dr Kini performs CyberKnife treatments at Newport Diagnostic Center in Newport Beach, CA.
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